
Published on:

10th May 2022

13: Message in a Bottle

When did Earth's crust form?

It's easy to take the ground beneath our feet for granted, but the story of our crust's origins is one of the most hotly debated topics in Earth history. Today, we'll learn how elements inside tiny crystals help solve this mystery. On the way, we'll meet two researchers who helped keep gold and scientists out of German hands in World War II.

Extra credit: Look at table salt under a microscope, or find different colors of quartz in your local mineral collections.

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Show artwork for Bedrock: Earth's Earliest History

About the Podcast

Bedrock: Earth's Earliest History
Explore Earth's history from the beginning.
This podcast starts at the beginning of Earth's prehistory and works forward through time. Bedrock will explore the first 90% of Earth’s past, a time known as the Precambrian Era. Before humans, before dinosaurs… there was the Precambrian.
The Earth was an incredibly alien world, but not a dead one.
Along the way, you will build a mental toolkit to see the world like a geologist. You will never look at a mountain, the moon, or pond scum in quite the same way again.

Welcome to Bedrock.
For transcripts, visuals, and references, check out https://www.bedrockpodcast.com